Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Break!

Well, long time no talkie all you Smartypants!

December was a month of classwork on verbs. We finished the Winter Book Report (if you didn't turn it in before break, you have MONDAY 1/4/10 as the turn in date. After that it is late. We also finished presentations for our Native American research projects.

There is no other winter break homework, but, if you want to get a head start...

I have already posted the january research project which is on American Presidents. Please look under 8th grade materials for three seperate handouts, one is the directions. Please FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!!! The other two are the rubrics for the essay and the overall presentation. You will notice that there are now extra points for the essay, so please be sure you follow the directions.

Last, there is an essay checklist, created by Jake B. in period 3 that has been posted to 8th grade materials to help you make sure that you have everything you need to write a solid essay. We used these on the last essay, as well. Please download the checklist and compare it to your work to make sure that you are not missing anything.

Happy holidays to you all! Have a great break and I look forward to seeing you in January!

Mrs. Anderson

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Midweek Homework!


Well, in order for us to stay on target (as we are losing Wednesday to a very deserved holiday to honor our veterans), we have midweek homework.


We began to read and listen to "Flowers for Algernon" today in the lab. Students need to finish reading and listening to the story at home ( Students need to finish answering all of the "more" questions from the story sidboard. They should have started this in class. Please make sure to answer the questions in a word document. Fold the question into your answer and number your work.

There is also a quick worksheet that needs to be answered. This can be done on the same sheet of paper. I would prefer that students use a word processing program to write their answers as opposed to hand writing, so that we can practice our word processing skills.

Be sure to put a title on the paper ("Flowers for Algernon" questions) and from the top toolbar use the header/footer button and then right justify to type in your name, date, and period.

We will be grading these questions and discussing the text on Thursday. Next week you will need these notes, as we will be watching the movie "The Awakening" and doing a comparison of the main characters.

Mrs. A

Saturday, November 7, 2009

11/5/09 Homework

Hey there all you Smarties!

Apologies for the late posting, unfortunately there was a feline death in the family on Friday. I was called to my mom's house in the morning and spent the day doing kitty hospice for Emmitt Anderson who was 15. Emmit was from the 24th and Mission SPCA in San Francisco and was adopted a couple months after my college graduation from San Francisco State. He came back to the East Bay with me after a couple of years and took up residence at my parents house. When I moved out to get married my dad said that I could go, but the cat was staying. I am the youngest child, so I thought it was a fair tade. My dad, stoic man that he is, has never been able to handle the loss of pets well, and Emmitt was his football and news buddy. He stayed away until the mobile vet had come and gone, and then he came home to do "dad duty" (you know- he dug the kitty hole in the gladiola garden). :(

So this was a short week in school, with a minimum day on Thursday and no school on Friday. In class we read a little farther in You Don't Know me by David Klass, and we did most of our oral presentations for the American Invention project (except for period 2, which will be doing them this week). Over all, the projects were much improved this time around. This week we will begin to go over the parts of an essay, so that we improve again next month!

We also watched the television production of "The Landlady" a short stroy by Roald Dahl, which we had read last week. Interestingly, Roald not only wrote the story, but he wrote the television adaptation. This coming week students will be writing about some of the similarities and differences that they noticed between the two types of writing, and discussing why they think Roald whould make these changes to his work.

On the Homework front, students were assigned this month's research project, which is on Native American tribes. This is already up on the teacherweb site under 8th grade materials, and students got a hard copy in class (exept period 3, who I inadvertantly skipped- they can download it or pick it up on Monday).

This coming week we will spend the majority of our time on the writings of Lincoln (history). You may see some mid-week homework on this front, but it won't be anyhing that takes more than 20-30 minutes. In English we will be finishing You Don't Know Me by David Klass, working on essay structure, and finishing presentations.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. A

Friday, October 30, 2009

10/3009 homework

Hi all!

Happy Halloween to you, have a safe weekend! If you end up with leftover candy, please bring it to me at school. I will forward it to the Blue Star Moms to put into the care packages for the troops.

This week there is NO HOMEWORK. That said, students were given an opportunity for fix mistakes on their American Invention projects and turn them in on Monday. Book reports can be turned in on Monday for 90% maximum credit.

All students need to have made speech notecards and bring them to school to practice on Monday. Speeches will be all week.

Please return all book report books to me by Friday at the latest. New reading will be assigned this coming week.

Have a fun and happy Halloween!
Mrs. Anderson